East Coast Summer

What? You want to know what I did this summer?

I’m touched. 🙂

After I returned to the homeland this spring, I began my quest to purchase a van/Airstream/tiny house, in which to reside for the summer.

Here’s where most people say, “but…why??”.

I have a number of reasons I wanted to experiment with “living” in a van,  and I’m sure that throughout the lifetime of this blog, I will compose a nauseating amount of posts regarding #vanlife, #tinyliving, and being #thrifty. (Don’t say I didn’t warn you…hehe). But, for now, the short answer is, in this day and age of out of control student loans and the rising costs of, well, everything – I sure as heck didn’t want to pay rent or sign a lease.

With that said, I was doubly blessed. The Craigslist gods were looking down on me, and my Chevy van, Blue, came into my life during a visit to Minnesota. Secondly, my incredible friends in Rhode Island offered me space in both their home and in their driveway to conduct my #vanlife experiment. But I will bombard you with the somewhat mundane, yet slightly awkward details of my lifestyle experiment some other time.

I’ve spent the summer working my tail off at my seasonal jobs, crashing in my beloved Blue, swimming in the ocean, and consuming obnoxious amounts of iced coffee. Now, that the season is coming to an end, it’s too cold for iced coffee or for overnighting in Blue, and I’m working out my next adventure Central America (Guatemala! Nicaragua?!).

Have I ever been there? No.

Do I speak Spanish. Not a word.

Am I going to write about it? You bet.

I hope you’ll follow along. 🙂